Luminous Culture Creation


Sessions for Parents & Other Culture Contributors


Ready to lead?



With Erica Crebar

Sessions to focus on the biological needs of you and your child as well as family dynamics in order to create a clear understanding of what an enriched education can look like in your specific family. Note: These sessions are not specific to homeschooling parents and serve to deepen all parents interested in the creation of family as a cocoon of cultural regeneration.


with erica and/or Paul crebar

Drawing on collective wisdom of over 20 years of culture-building, connection-based facilitation, home-learning, unschooling, adventure program development, bush school operations, connection-led parenting, life-centric learning & nature-connection. Are you starting or wanting to further develop your offerings to your community? We’d love to support you.


Our Approach

How we see people

Humans are not born as empty vessels needing to be filled with information. We are born aimed and directed at contributing to creation ongoing in our own unique way. We all have gifts wishing to be expressed.

We see all people as a part of the living cosmos and an important part of the Earths dream.  A being with his/ her own story to unfold to contribute to the bigger story of humanity.

A story woven into their being by the soul of the earth upon the time of conception or maybe birth. This story being their genius and their purpose of being here. It is their ecological niche within the dream of the earth that contributes to a flourishing earth future. It doesn't have to be grandoise or wondrous, but it does have to be unique and be delivered within the unique context of the collective society that person finds themselves within.

In our modern world where technological advancement is leaving a great uncertainty as to what the future will look like we all need an increased focus on forming greater connections with our purpose, for our own wellbeing and that of the animate Earth.

We are not here to be whatever we want to be, we are here to be what we are meant to be.

How we guide parents & adults

Our own experience and that of those who we have supported, tells us each one of us born with an innate ability to connect into the wisdom of something beyond the physical realm. Each one of us has an ability to deeply listen and to know the next step in our journey towards becoming more whole.

We hold a space to support this unfolding in parents and adults. With the support of self-enquiry, conversation, contemplation, deep imagination, dream tending and the lead guide of all - Nature outside of ourselves - we support adults to see the threads of connectivity and synchronicities within their own actions and those of their family.

We support them to dig deeper into the underlying causes of occurrences, the roots that need nourishing and the mycelial network that branches from these roots. 

In our relating we aim to give as little answers as possible but instead offer personal stories, questions, reflections and different angles to approach a situation or challenge, so the people can find the answers themselves and feel empowered and accountable for their decisions.

How we guide young people

We focus on building strong relationships with young people whereby trust and safety is established.

They firstly must understand our intention is to support them in knowing themselves, others and Earth - not to teach them "our way" or the information we have accumulated along our own journey. 

In our relating we aim to give as little answers as possible but instead offer personal and folk tale stories, questions, reflections and different angles to approach a situation or challenge, so the young people can find the answers themselves and feel empowered and accountable for their decisions.

We trust all young people will make good decisions if held, supported and trusted to do so. Often time, patience and willingness to listen are pivotal.

We find playful games that are movement based and creative expression as powerful tools to uncover dynamics within individual or group perspectives, that then allow discussions to draw out the wisdom and learnings. 

We sit in circle, listen to each other, reflect regularly and ensure every ones perspective is valid in creating our collective intelligence.